Antique homespun Red with center medallion with birds very old and nice

Antique homespun Red with center medallion with birds very old and nice
Antique homespun Red with center medallion with birds very old and nice
Antique homespun Red with center medallion with birds very old and nice
Antique homespun Red with center medallion with birds very old and nice
Antique homespun Red with center medallion with birds very old and nice
Antique homespun Red with center medallion with birds very old and nice
Antique homespun Red with center medallion with birds very old and nice
Antique homespun Red with center medallion with birds very old and nice
Antique homespun Red with center medallion with birds very old and nice
Antique homespun Red with center medallion with birds very old and nice
Antique homespun Red with center medallion with birds very old and nice
Antique homespun Red with center medallion with birds very old and nice

Antique homespun Red with center medallion with birds very old and nice

This home spun is just the most wonderful one. It is great condition for it age. And it is very old. It have a large medallion in the center with birds around it and flowers.

The size of this great very early home spun is 72 x 88.
Antique homespun Red with center medallion with birds very old and nice